Thursday 10th February 2022 – Ross Garnaut

Opportunities for Manufacturing in the new economy

Vernier Xmas Dinner – 9th Dec 2021 – TeamSports4All

Vernier Xmas Dinner – presentation by Fiona and Cameron from TeamSports4All and musical program by Stewart, Michael and Sidra.

Thurs 11th Nov 2021 – Peter Crock

Peter Crock – Medical Cannabis – A new manufacturing industry for Australia

Thurs 9th Sept 2021 – Dean McCarroll – MD Okuma Australia

Dean McCarroll, Managing Director of Okuma Australia & NZ will be presenting Advance Machine Tool Cutting Technologies

Thurs 8th July 2021 – Marteen Burger & Dave Budge

Marteen Burger & Dave Budge from Jaunt Motors – Australia’s largest electric conversion workshop – making Electric Vehicles for Adventure

Thurs 13th May 2021- Chris Stoltz & Josef Stoltz

Chris Stoltz will provide a brief background about manufacturing in Bendigo and the work of the Fraunhofer initiative. Josef will talk about technology upgrades and manufacturing expansion at MSD

Thurs 15th April 2021 – Ross & Lyn George

Ross and Lyn George present “How innovation breeds innovation – the Austeng case-study”

Thurs 18th March 2021 – Max Myer, George Juliff & Thomas Miles – Admix

Max, George and Thomas are the founders of Admix Pty Ltd and their current focus is building software tools to make programming effective toolpaths easier.